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Questions that you should be able to answer at the end of this lecture:
  1. How does pressure change with altitude?
  2. How does temperature change with altitude?
  3. What are the different layers of the atmosphere, and how are they identified?
  4. What is the composition of the atmosphere?
  5. What is the Radiation Balance?
Link to Weather Channel
Link to US Satellite animation

Average Sea Level Atmospheric Pressure: 14.7 lbs/sq. in. or about 1000 milliBars (mB) [more precisely, 1013mB]
What does this mean?

  1. On average, over every square inch of the earth's surface at sea level, there is a force of 14.7 pounds.
  2. Where does that force come from?
    1. Imagine a column of air, 1in x 1in (1 square inch), from sea level to the "top" of the atmosphere (we'll discuss "top" shortly).
    2. How much would that weigh?
    3. It would weigh 14.7 lbs.
    4. The air pressure on the the earth comes from the mass of the atmosphere over every point, pulled by gravity; in other words, the weight of the atmosphere over every square inch of the earth's surface is what gives us air pressure.
    5. Given that this is the case, how might you calculate the weight of the entire Earth's Atmosphere?
  3. That pressure does not just go down, it presses on all surfaces.
    1. Imagine a square on your belly, 10" x 10" (100 in2).
    2. There would be a force of 14.7 lbs/in2 x 100 in2 = 1470 lbs (nearly 3/4 of a ton)
    3. Why don't we go flying backwards then?  Because there's an equal and opposite force on your backside pushing in the other direction.
    4. Why don't we get squished, then?  Two related answers:
      • Liquids and solids that make up our bodies are incompressible.
      • There is an equal and opposite outwards pressure in our bodies.
  4. What happens to that pressure as we rise higher and higher?
    1. As we rise, we get ABOVE some of the atmosphere, so the air above us is less heavy.
    2. Therefore the pressure decreases as you rise (see figure below left).
Graph of atmospheric pressure vs. altitude. Sea
                level pressure is about 1000 millibars, then 500 mb at
                about 5.5 km, 200 mb at 14 km, about 100 mb at 20 km,
                reaching around 10 mb at 36 km (maximum on graph), and
                asymptotically approaching zero. It never actually
                reaches zero, just merges with space.

Some things to note about this diagram:

  1. 50% of all the atmosphere lies below about 5.5 km altitude
  2. At an altitude of 11 km (roughly 35,000 ft, the altitude that WWII (non-pressurized) aircraft flew at from 1939-1945), the air pressure is <30% of sea level air pressure.  If you tried to breath at those altitudes, you'd quickly fall unconscious and die.  Many of our fathers, grandfathers, and (in some cases) great-grandfathers were fliers in WWII.  In order to stay conscious and alive, they HAD to breath oxygen continuously.  Our ancestors not only flew at those altitudes, but fought at those altitudes.  Today, we comfortably fly in pressurized jet airliners at that altitude without even thinking about it.
  3. Note that in the graph on the right, of water pressure under the sea, decreases as you come up, for the same reason that air pressure decreases as you rise:  the weight of the overlying fluid decreases as you get above the fluid below.
  4. But there's a difference in how air pressure decreases as you go up.
  5. Note that the higher you go in the atmosphere, the more slowly air pressure decreases for a given increase in elevation.
  6. But as you rise in the ocean, the water pressure decreases by exactly the same amount for a given rise.
  7. The curve of air pressure to altitude never reaches zero pressure.
  8. The net result of this is that there is NO TOP OF THE ATMOSPHERE. 
  9. Instead, the atmosphere merges gradually with space.  There is no hard boundary.
  10. Any boundary between "atmosphere" and "space" is arbitrary.

Structure of Atmosphere: Based on how temperature changes.  Know the various layers.
Temperature (-100 degrees C to 50 C) vs. altitude (sea
          level to 150 km). Four-layered structure is shown.

First of all, how do we know this?  By sending balloons and rockets up into the atmosphere and measuring temperature.  We can SEE that temperature decreases as we rise in the Troposphere, because mountains are "snow capped".  Not because it only snows on the tops of mountains, but because it is only cold enough for the snow to stay frozen there.  Lower down, the snow melts.
Note also the temperature at about 11km (where we previously looked at air pressure being <30% of sea level pressure, and where our ancestors flew during WWII).  The temperature is around -70oF!  This is why, if you ever see a WWII-era movie about aviation ("12 O'Clock High" is one of the most well-known ones, but more modern ones like "Pearl Harbor", "Red Tails", "Tuskeegee Airmen", "Midway", or "Memphis Bell" also), the pilots and crews of fighters and bombers wear very heavy clothing.

The second question you might have looking at this is: WHY do the temperatures change in the way that we see?
Also see:
  1. Troposphere: decreasing temperatures as elevation increases.
    1. Another way of asking this is, WHY is the surface of the earth warm?
    2. The answer, of course, is that it's heated by the Sun.
    3. The Earth's atmosphere is largely transparent to radiation from the Sun.
    4. That radiation comes down, hits the earth, is (partly) absorbed, and heats the ground.
    5. This heats the atmosphere lying next to the ground (known as "sensible heating").
    6. So as you move away from the surface, you're farther from the source of heating, and temperature decreases.
    7. Also, as warm air rises, it expands and cools.  This decrease in temperature is known as the "adiabatic lapse rate" and is about 10oC/km in the Troposphere.  This decrease in temperature occurs without any change in heat energy.
  2. Stratosphere: increasing temperatures as elevation increases.
  3. Mesosphere: decreasing temperatures as elevation increases.
  4. We can combine the 2 observations above and note: Temperature reaches a maximum in the Stratopause.  Why?
    1. The short answer is: The Ozone Layer
    2. What does this mean?  Look at the figure below.
      UV light breaks apart Oxygen molecules into Oxygen
            atoms. They join with o2 to for o3, Ozone. Ozone is opaque
            to UV ligt and absorbs it. UV light causes suntans,
            sunburns, and skin cancer.
    3. When ultraviolet (UV) light from the Sun hits an oxygen molecule (O2), it breaks it into 2 extremely (and dangerously) reactive individual oxygen atoms.
    4. These oxygen atoms immediately recombine with any available oxygen molecules, to produce a molecule with three oxygen atoms  That molecule (O3) is known as "Ozone".
    5. When UV light encounters an Ozone molecule, it is absorbed by Ozone.  We can say that Ozone is "opaque" to UV light.
    6. Anything that absorbs energy (like UV light absorbed by Ozone) will warm up.  So the air warms up.
    7. But note in the "Structure of the Atmosphere" diagram, that the altitude of maximum heating (the Stratopause) is significantly higher than the layer of maximum Ozone.  Why is that?
    8. As UV comes DOWN through the atmosphere, it is, bit by bit, absorbed by Ozone.  So the amount of UV available for heating decreases, and by the time it reaches the maximum Ozone, there's only a little UV, so a small amount of heating.
    9. As you go UP in the atmosphere, the amount of air decreases, so there's less and less oxygen available to be turned into Ozone, which means that there will be less absorption of UV and less heating.
    10. The Stratopause, where there is a temperature maximum, is the location where there is enough Ozone to effectively absorb UV, and enough UV to cause maximum heating.
  5. Finally, note that as you go up from the Mesopause into the Thermosphere, temperatures again increase with increasing altitude.  Why?
    1. Note the altitudes here - we transition into "space" as defined by NASA and the FAA.
    2. While this is not a "perfect" vacuum, the pressures here are extremely low, and would be considered a pure vacuum nearly anywhere on Earth.
    3. There are very few molecules and atoms of gas here, but they are exposed to the full force of the Sun's energy, so they are accelerated to very high speeds, which means very high temperatures.
    4. That said, since the atoms and molecules are so widely dispersed, there is little energy out there, even if the temperatures are high.  It is similar to 4th of July sparklers, whose sparkles are very hot but so small that they are relatively harmless.

The next thing to consider is the Composition of Atmosphere:
Air: a gas
Click on the name of each gas to learn how it got there.
Click on the the percentage for additional information about each gas.
Atmospheric Component
Nitrogen (N2)
Oxygen (O2)
Argon (Ar)
Carbon Dioxide (CO2)
0.035% 0.040% (Has increased by 30% 40% 43% since beginning of Industrial Revolution)
 Other components:
Neon (Ne)
Helium (He)
Methane (CH4)
~0.0002% (Has doubled gone up 2.5x& since beginning of Industrial Revolution) - from Termites, Cattle, and Rice Paddies
Krypton (Kr)
Hydrogen (H2)
 And Water (H2O)
 from nearly 0% up to 4% in vapor (NOT liquid) form
Carbon Monoxide (CO)
 <<1% - a highly toxic gas
Ammonia (NH3)
Nitrous Oxides (NxOy)
 As of 2013, N2O has increased to 21% above preindustrial levels. - from burning and from agriculture
Sulfur Dioxide (SO2)
ChloroFluoroCarbons (CFCs)

& -  as of the late 1990s.  As of 2013, Methane has increased to 253% of preindustrial levels.  To be current, I really have to update these values almost every year.
Note: please read all links in the chart above (it's really only 2 web pages).

Ozone - O3
Problem with CFCs: destroy Ozone:
2O3 + CFC ==> 3O2 + CFC
CFCs are catalysts, and destroy 1000s of ozone molecules before natural processes destroy the CFC molecules.  This has helped create the "Ozone Hole" in the Antarctic and to a lesser extent, the Arctic.
Ozone hole, 1990
(For more information, click here!)

Radiation Balance in Atmosphere (See your textbook as well):

Radiation: The Spectrum: Visible spectrum, R O Y G B I V.

Transparency of the Earth's Atmosphere. Atmosphere is
          transparent to visible light, a small part of IR, and a lot of
          radio wavelengths. Transparency of the Earth's Atmosphere.

Electromagnetic Radiation:

From the Sun:

Of 100% of incoming light:

The light energy absorbed by land and ocean causes them to warm up, leading to the emission of long wave (IR) radiation.  This radiation is absorbed by CO2, H2O, CH4, N2O, Ozone, and CFCs ("Greenhouse Gases"), which radiate back some of the energy to the earth again, rewarming it.  This absorption and re-radiation of IR is what is known as the "Greenhouse Effect".

Why do we get seasons? - due to tilt of the earth:
Seasons vs. earth's tilt.

(See your textbook for a more detailed explanation)

Air circulation - depends on changes in temperature:

Troposphere Lapse Rate ~6o C/km of altitude - this is the "environmental" (actual) lapse rate you actually experience if you go up in the altitude.

If you raise a parcel of air:


Temperature if Environmental (actual) Lapse Rate = 12oC/km
Temperature if Adiabatic Lapse Rate = 10oC/km
What happens if the air rises up 1 km?
3 km
It's warmer than the surrounding air.
2 km
It's warmer than the surrounding air.
1 km
It's warmer than the surrounding air.
0 km (sea level)
Result: Unstable air mass (because the warm air which is adiabatically cooling as it rises and expands is still warmer than the surrounding air.

Temperature if Environmental (actual) Lapse Rate = 5oC/km
Temperature if Adiabatic Lapse Rate = 10oC/km
What happens if the air rises up 1 km?
3 km
It's colder than the surrounding air.
2 km
It's colder than the surrounding air.
1 km
It's colder than the surrounding air.
0 km (sea level)
Result: Stable air mass (because the warm air which is adiabatically cooling as it rises and expands is colder than the surrounding air.

How do we lift Stable air?  We can do it when a wind blows over mountains; it falls right back down again!:
Orographic uplif and wind